About Portal Advertising

Drive people to your site
People from all over the world visit the businessforsaleasia.com website and portal every day to buy and sell, or seek assistance about buying and selling businesses and commercial properties. They are looking to buy and sell in their own location, in other parts of their country or abroad. They have an interest in businesses for sale, business partnerships, commercial real estate and franchises. Advertising in the businessforsaleasia.com portal reaches millions of people so if you have a product, service or brand you want to promote to this demographic, then taking out website advertising with us makes good sense.

We offer advertising in 90-day blocks in a number of different pages through-out this site visible to casual browsers of the site and also to logged-in registered users. All of our advertisements have a unique ID below them meaning that if you see a location you want, you order that ID. Some ad locations are booked ahead several months in advance, and some are available immediately. Click the RED Advertisement ID below an ad to check availability or if you are logged in, those same links will enable you to see price and book that position if you wish.


Content is largely up to you. The more applicable it is to your chosen page the better it is likely to perform. Full advertisement listing conditions may be seen at our Terms and Conditions Page and we recommend you read these terms and conditions prior to placing an advertisement.

Advertisement Sizes

Size A - 400 x 174

50%:50% split on extra small devices and 75%:25% split on larger devices. Typically placed to the right or left of text.

Click here to see an example of how it is placed in the portal

Size B - 400 x 400

50%:50% split on extra small devices and 75%:25% split on larger devices.

Typically placed to the right or left of text.

Click here to see an example of how it is placed in the portal

Advertisement Locations

Advertisement spaces are made available in key locations through-out this site in both the general website area and also within registered users' dashboards. Please take a look around and find your spot!


Prices vary according to size and placement location. Advertisements are available in 90 consecutive day periods only. Please login and check prices in your user dashboard, or by clicking the RED Advertisement ID link below advertisements (price is only revealed when you are logged in).

Check Location Availability

If you have the Advertisement ID, you can check its availability here, or just click the RED Advertisement ID link below the ad you are interested in. If you are logged in, those same links will enable you to see price and book that position if you wish.

Place Order

You need to have created an account with us and be logged in to place an order for portal advertising. When logged in, please order from within your user dashboard, or by clicking the RED Advertisement ID link below advertisements.